All posts for the year 2023

Tired, incoherent and still standing. Yeah!

Please forgive me if this episode is a bit incoherent – and maybe a little shorter than usual. It has been a very interesting few weeks culminating in our ‘flu and covid jabs on Friday. We had hoped that after a number of rounds our bodies would have become reconciled to the vaccines but we […]

Memories are made of this (thank you mother)

A memory from my younger years came back to me this week. I have a lot of memories from childhood, a mixed selection as we all do, but some shine bright – and some really should stay buried. Now, one of our dogs looks like a puppy but she’s actually 16 years old. At that […]

Well, some upgrades are good, if annoying

In this networked and computer driven society one of the most annoying thing is the compulsory upgrade. After years of using IT, way back to the dial-up days, I have always been of the opinion that if something needs constant upgrading it doesn’t work properly anyway. This rather rough rule of thumb applies to many […]

Despite our difficulties we’ve made a breakthrough

Those of you who read the last blog will be aware we have some serious difficulties at the moment.  The most pressing is the water situation, of which more later but, despite everything, we have made a breakthrough.  When we moved in we had to use the big shed, christened the “Hotel Majestic” as storage.  […]

It’s a bit slow going at the moment

Well, it looks as if autumn is here despite the almost total lack of summer this year.  We had some fine days though these seemed to coincide with doctor or other unmovable appointments, of course.  Still, we are making some progress though it seems a bit slow going at the moment.  Some of this is […]

Love our home but hate the infrastructure

Pondering over the last month or so over last night’s dinner we both agreed we love our home.  When we were first considering the move we had a short list of what we would like.  A very short list actually.  We wanted off road parking, one of the growing problems in Saltburn.  In fact it […]

It’s been one heck of an August

Firstly I offer you my deep and profound apologies for the late posting.  It’s just that we’ve had one heck of an August so far.  August has always been a bit of a problematic month for us in Ireland.  Regular readers may recall the plague of flies, repeated each year.  The heat and dust from […]

A busy time when nothing much happened

This has been a strange few weeks with a feeling nothing much has happened.  Actually I think stuff has happened but it has been cold and very wet.  This has kept us inside for a lot though it has been a busy time, doing the same stuff each day.  It has been the most grey […]

Life can be like a row of dominoes

Just when you think things are settling down a bit something comes along to mess it up.  And sometimes the first thing knocks up against something else – something more – and everything falls over.  Just like a row of dominoes, one problem becomes a heap on the floor!  Our main problem came about because […]

A bit of a roller coaster

These last few weeks have been a bit of a roller coaster here in rural Tipperary.  The weather has been up, down and downright ludicrous, of course.  This is Ireland and it’s to be expected.  June was blazing hot at times until the sudden arrival of something approaching a tropical storm.  Then the days darkened, […]