I began this week thinking there would be no news for the blog but it seems I was wrong. First I would like to share some writing news with you all. The fifth book in the “Alex Hastings” series is due out next year though the actual publication date depends on a lot of things […]
News about books and that boot in the wood
Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible…
Another week has flown by – another week without transport here in the depths of rural Ireland. The insurance saga grinds on though I feel we are making some progress. The garage collected the car at stupid o’clock on Tuesday and checked it over. Not surprisingly it passed the NCT (the Irish MOT) and we […]
What’s in a name? Rather a lot actually…
What’s in a name, William Shakespeare asked and the answer can, sometimes, be “rather a lot”. Firstly, thank you everyone who commented and expressed sympathy for our car troubles. We are still without transport but I can report we are moving forward. The garage behind our first cottage have been magnificent and they will collect […]
It’s been a rough week all round
Apologies for the delay in posting this week but it has been rather a rough few days. After several months rolling smoothly along the sheer weight of new things – people, places, procedures – caught up with me with some quite negative impacts. There is a rich and extensive bureaucracy in Ireland and it is […]
Things I’m glad I learned from the Open University
There is a lot of snobbery around education – inverted snobbery from the “University of Life” people and academic snobbery that still maintains Open is not a “real” university. I’m a proud graduate and have also taught for them and I have found a lot of useful stuff I learned has come back to help […]